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New Village Farm


About New Village Farm

New Village Farm is a new farming operation located on the Bay Harbor Farm at 700 Harbor Road, Shelburne, Vermont. We are transitioning the land to Biodynamics, which we believe to be the best possible method of farming. Right now our focus is on livestock, though we are undertaking some growing this year as well. We raise cows and goats for both meat and milk, chickens for meat and eggs, pigs, sheep and the odd rabbit, goose or duck that strays into our farmyard on occasion as well. We are committed to the best possible management of our animals and we take great care in bringing you healthy and responsibly grown products. We believe that our farming practices reflect our deep connection to our animals, other humans, our land, and the earth.
700 Harbor Rd., Shelburne, VT, 05482



8:00 AM-6:00 PM


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