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Cunningham Organic Farm


About Cunningham Organic Farm

George and Gale Cunningham moved with their family to the beautiful DeLuz Canyon, north of Fallbrook, in 1974. They set out to become farmers. Not being farm-savvy enough to grow with conventional methods of farming (using chemicals and pesticides), they decided to grow organically. It was their personal endeavor at the time, and remains so today, to grow the best-tasting, most nutritious food available anywhere and it’s all natural. In the beginning, finding a market for organic produce was difficult. “All this great food and we didn’t know where to sell it,” explains George. “Packing houses and supermarkets did not want to deal with small farmers, but we kept planting acres of new and different products that we though would be valuable to consumers.” Then in the early 1980s, farmers’ markets eased into San Diego County areas. Certified Farmers’ Markets highlight California-grown produce from local farmers and became the perfect outlet for Cunningham Organic Farm to reach food-lovers in the area. COF products can found at the Old Town Temecula Farmers’ Market on Saturday mornings that is managed by Gale Cunningham. In the late 1980s COF connected with distributors for their products: Earl’s Organics of San Francisco and Organically Grown Co. and New Seasons Produce of Portland, Oregon. COF has been shipping weekly to these fine companies ever since. More recently, with the rise of the local food movement, COF has been connected with Crows Pass Farm. Crows Pass delivers COF’s fruit to chefs in San Diego restaurants, so George is confident that his food is finally reaching the people who appreciate it most!
40164 De Luz Road, Fallbrook, CA, 92028


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