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Allen Farm Sheep and Wool Company


About Allen Farm Sheep and Wool Company

The Allen Farm is one of the most photographed and painted spots in Martha’s Vineyard. The farm overlooks the Atlantic, and houses over a hundred sheep, who feed entirely on salt-tinged grass and hay. The owners of Allen Farm, Mitchell Posin and Clarissa Allen sell their chicken, eggs, and grass-fed beef and lamb year-round from their on-farm store, which is open daily May through October and then on the weekends up until Christmastime. The shop is closed January through March, but if you're looking for some clean, pastured meat during that time, just give the farm a call and they should be able to accommodate you. The land on which Allen Farm's lambs, chickens, and cattle roam about and feast on clean, chemical-free grasses has been in the family for over 250 years. Apparently, just as ownership of the farm has stayed constant, so too have the farming practices. All of the animals are raised the old-fashioned way, rotationally grazed on pasture and fed a steady diet of organic grasses. The meats, which are all USDA inspected and certified, are sold frozen in a wide variety of custom cuts. Allen Family Farm Natural Meats offers beef, lamb, and goats. Animals are grass-fed and not feedlot raised, which decreases cholesterol in the meat. The animals are not fed routine drugs, growth promoters, animal offal, genetically modified foodstuffs, or other additives. Animals are processed in a USDA plant. Beef is available whole or half; lamb and goat are available whole; packaged and delivered within 75 miles of Pierce City. Allen's uses a CSA model (Community Supported Agriculture) where the consumer buys the animal when it is small and it then belongs to the consumer. They raise your animal and have it processed and delivered to you. You choose the cuts of meat and processing time. Please note that availability of meats is limited, so customers should call ahead of time to inquire about inventory. Aside from meat, the farm features all-organic chutneys, olive oil, blankets, sweaters, vests, throws, and knitting yarn made from the farm's own wool.
421 South Road, At Eddy Farm Road, Chilmark, MA, 02535


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