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Friendship Farms


About Friendship Farms

Our Farm, Native Plant Nursery, and Natural Bread Bakery, are located in the Laurel Highlands, in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. A visit to our picturesque farm will take you back to a time when you could buy your meat directly from a farmer or smell homemade bread baking in a hearth oven. Here you will see a working, productive family farm.

Our cows can be seen grazing peacefully in the fields with their calves. Acres of hay and grain, grown with sustainable methods, blanket the landscape. Visitors can also stroll through our native plant nursery and learn about trees, shrubs, and grasses native to Southwestern Pennsylvania.

Friendship Farms is home to three generations of our family; Mrs. Naomi Costello, her sons Mike and Joe, Joe's wife, Adele, and their five children: Rebecca, Joey, twins Sarah and Jessica, and little Hannah. The farm is also a playground for our dogs, cats, horses, chickens, and a variety of wildlife.

Deeds Road and Route 130, P.O. Box 505 Pleasant Unity, PA 15676 (mailing), Lycippus, PA, 15676


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