Sloans Creek Farm
About Sloans Creek Farm
On our farm we don't use hormone implants or routine antibiotics. We are striving to be an organic, sustainable, grass-based family farm with a focus on quality grass-fed beef, lamb, chevon (goat meat), and sustainable pastured pork produced from Heritage Livestock Breeds.Near This Listing
Jenkins Farm
269 CR 1600
Jenikins farm operates a u-pick with blackberries, plums, and peaches in in season. Call for availability.
Days of operation: Daily June and July
Hours of...
Adams Blackland Prairie
921 CR 3690
Adams Blackland Prairie produces Animal Welfare Approved beef.
Beef is available throughout the year with individual cuts in packages as small as 10lbs, or Halves...
Good Earth Organic Farm
8629 FM 272
Our farm has been maintained organically since it came under our care. We have maintained organic certification via a third party off and on throughout...