Strafford Organic Creamery at Rockbottom Farm
About Strafford Organic Creamery at Rockbottom Farm
The Strafford Organic Creamery is a one-farm, one-family operation committed to sustainable agriculture and providing chefs and consumers with the best dairy products on the planet.Amy Huyffer and her husband Earl Ransom of Rockbottom Farm supply the Strafford Organic Creamery with certified organic milk products: glass-bottled milk, half-and-half, whipping cream, and chocolate milk in addition to ice cream and butter. Earl's father was one of the founding members of NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont).
Rockbottom Farm is home to 40 cows that are on an intensive rotational grazing system from April to November, or so, snow cover depending, on about 130 acres of pasture. In the winter, they eat a TMR (Total Mixed Ration) made up of grass and alfalfa hay, corn silage and small grains like barley and peas (which we grow here) and some grain, minerals and salts purchased from Morrison's Custom Feeds in Barnet, Vermont. Their grain is mostly soy and wheat. All of the feed is 100% certified organic, grown without chemical pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. About 70% of the cows' winter diet is grass.
In the summer, the highest-producing cows get a few pounds of grain twice a day at milking time, while the cows at the end of their lactation just eat grass in the pastures. The products are available at a number of regional co-ops and markets.