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Farm Girl Farm


About Farm Girl Farm

Laura Meister worked part-time at small farms all over New England with her farm-dog-in-training, Emma Bean, before founding Farm Girl Farm, which she works with an amazing crew of farmgirls and farmboys. She is also co-producer of local cult classic, Sweet Soil: Local Farmers and the Berkshire Coop Market. This land has been in agriculture for generations—as a family farm, cornfield, horse pasture, and now Farm Girl Farm. What is a CSA? CSA is Community Supported Agriculture. Members (that’s you) pay for a share of the season’s harvest and contribute a few working hours. Your direct connection to the farm guarantees you the freshest possible produce. The farmers (that’s us) receive working capital in the spring when we need it most. Together, we share the risks and the bounty of the season. This partnership supports the local economy, promotes the local food supply, preserves our open space and builds community in the Berkshires.
Pumpkin Hollow Rd, Egremont, MA, 01230


Call or visit website for hours.

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