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Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Land Trust


About Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Land Trust

Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Land Trust (OSALT) is a charitable trust with an integrated fourfold purpose: To hold rural and urban agricultural lands in trust to keep them in agricultural use To make those lands available to future generations of growers To work with growers and others to conduct practical research into the sustainable production and distribution of agricultural bounty To provide education to growers and consumers about the results of the research and the importance of sustainability There are many ways to support OSALT. The best and most effective is to get involved: talk to your friends and those you work with - let them know about sustainability and why it's important. Moreover, volunteer opportunities abound at OSALT! Whatever your interest or skill, please contact OSALT if you can offer your time and energy. Visit the OSALT website for a full listing of volunteer opportunities. You can also support OSALT by subscribing to OSALT's sporadically published journal SALT of the Earth. Subscriptions are $35 per year and subscribers are entitled to discounts on many OSALT educational conferences, seminars, workshops and classes.
3519 N.E. 15th Ave., Ste. 502, Portland, OR, 97212


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