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Georgia Citizens' Coalition on Hunger


About Georgia Citizens' Coalition on Hunger

In December 1974, the Georgia Citizens’ Coalition on Hunger (Hunger Coalition)was founded as a statewide coalition of concerned citizens. Representatives from civic organizations, labor unions and the church realized that thousands of children and adults were experiencing serious conditions of malnutrition and nutrition related health problems. A statewide conference was held and it was unanimously agreed upon that something needed to be done to address the conditions of hunger that exist in our state. For those who are in need of help, the Georgia Citizen’s Coalition on Hunger offers a variety of services, which include: Giving information on job openings The UMOJA Farmers’ Market, providing inexpensive organic food straight from our gardens and local farms The HUNGER HOTLINE, an emergency assistance agency which refers customers to local and statewide service programs so that they can take care of emergency expenses such as food, rent, utilities, and furniture
9 Gammon Ave. SW, Atlanta, GA, 30315


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