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Philly Orchard Project (POP)


About Philly Orchard Project (POP)

POP plants fruit trees, nut trees and berry bushes in Philadelphia's 40,000 vacant lots, by partnering with community groups seeking to expand neighborhood food security, create jobs, shade or remove concrete, teach agricultural skills, make the city safer and more beautiful. Founded in 2007 by economic development pioneer Paul Glover, POP is part of a growing movement across the world to develop more sustainable, equitable, and ethical local food systems. Philadelphia is one of the centers of this work, with some 40,000 vacant lots and the highest poverty rate among big cities in America. As the cost of energy, food, and health care rises, the low-wealth neighborhoods where POP plants are the most vulnerable to hunger and related health problems. Orchards and community vegetable gardens offer neighborhoods the most direct access to healthy food, and build people’s capacity to feed their families and neighbors.
Philadelphia , PA, 19119


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