The Harvest Table Restaurant
About The Harvest Table Restaurant
We believe the very best food we can serve you comes from right here in the neighborhood. Our vegetables are harvested in season by local farmers who don’t use toxic chemicals because they care about their land and your food. All our meats are grass fed on the pastures of this region, with no inhumane confinement, antibiotic feed-enhancements or growth hormones – ever. We work hard to avoid serving you anything that’s been genetically modified, packaged in a factory or transported very far. Our suppliers are farmers, cheese makers, meat processors and other food artisans we know by name. Some foods we serve in winter were purchased in season and preserved here in our kitchen, or by other Farmers Guild participants. You’ll find more local products in the General Store next door. In addition to working with local farmers, Owner Steven Hopp also supplies Harvest Table with produce from the farm right on the premises.Near This Listing
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