Piedmont Grocery
About Piedmont Grocery
They're the 100-year-old grocery store that could, and can, and will. Generations of shoppers know that they can find gourmet products along with everyday household items. They were the first West Coast store to sell the iconic Silver Palate products and they're still flying off our shelves. We love our old standbys, but want to introduce you to new providers as well. Look for Umami paste, which takes the boring out of tired recipes; San Marzano tomatoes; five different kinds of Quinoa; La Piana pasta sauces that make delicious, quick meals, and just about anything from Marin Pasta Works.
Our overarching mission is to be the grocery store that meets the needs of our community. We think we've got it right. Competitive pricing, great sales, excellent service and the best products we can find.