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St. Jude Tuna

Fishing Vessel St. Jude


About St. Jude Tuna

The right tuna is low in mercury, high in omega three oils and caught in a sustainable manner. If you are looking for the right albacore tuna, you've come to the right source. We base our business on troll caught albacore. The Malleys are a family business based in Seattle. Joe Malley started out salmon trolling in Sitka, Alaska in 1978. From salmon trolling he moved into long lining, pursuing halibut, black cod and Pacific cod around the Gulf of Alaska. Currently Joe owns the 95-foot fishing vessel St. Jude, which trolls solely for Albacore tuna in the North and South Pacific. You can order online at the website or visit local retailers that carry St. Jude tuna.


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