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New Roots Organics


About New Roots Organics

New Roots Organics delivers fresh, organic produce weekly. The bin contains a balanced selection of 12-15 fruits and veggies that change each week. Because we hand pick only the best, the selection may change throughout the week. New Roots Organics buys a large percentage of local (Western WA) produce from one farm on Fir Island, (just West of Mt Vernon) called Frog Song Farm. It is owned and farmed by Nate O'Neil and his wife. And in the fall we buy several varieties of Asian pears that aregrown nearby in Dry Slough Orchard, by Nate's dad. But to make our bins balanced and complete, we source summer fruit from Eastern Washington, and things like broccoli and carrots and cauliflower from other local farms because Nate focuses on Greens, heirloom varieties of lettuces, and potatoes, and onions in large quantities. We also buy from two wholesalers (one here in Seattle, and one in Oregon) that both have networks of local farms that they buy from and make possible for us to buy from. I am very particular about what goes into our bins each week and I have made it a point over the years to get to know the farms and (labels) that I buy from. Throughout the year, we make it a priority to include locally grown produce 1st, and then when needed, like every winter, we include citrus from California, fresh greens and lettuces. I always list the contents and variety of each bin at the top of the recipe sheet that is included and identify what is grown locally.
6259 3rd Ave. NW , Seattle , WA, 98107


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