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Abundant Harvest


About Abundant Harvest

We are a membership or CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farming operation, providing a direct connection between the farmers and the people who enjoy eating fresh, seasonal produce grown at the farm. We are local, small family farmers; produce is grown on Dos Sequoias Farm and New Earth Farm.

We offer shares in the Hillsboro and Portland areas from May to October. We harvest the produce at its peak of flavor and you pick it up from the farm, fresh and convenient. We grow fruits, vegetables, and flowers without synthetic herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers, so that you get all the goodness nature has to offer.

You join our farm by purchasing a portion, or "share," of the season's bounty. In return for your financial support early in the season, we plant and nurture an assortment of vegetables, herbs, some fruit and flowers.

If you are interested, please e-mail for details to sign up for a seasonal share.

PO BOX 714, North Plains, OR, 97133


Call or visit website for hours.

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