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Good Grass Farm


About Good Grass Farm

Good Grass Farm is located in the beautiful rolling hills of Chautauqua County, NY. We purchased our house and land on Open Meadows Road in 1999. It was a bit dilapidated, to say the least, but we could see the potential and sense the warmth of this once vibrant dairy farm as we walked through the empty rooms of the old house and hiked the over grown pastures. Many of the commercial and modern farming practices we had seen did not seem to fit our lifestyle and over all out look on how food should be produced. We started slow, growing good produce and raising chickens for our family and friends that desired the same high quality, all natural products we wanted for ourselves. As we progress, we continue to embrace the basic philosophy that simple is best. We practice sustainable agriculture and management intensive grazing. We use no herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics or growth hormones.
2943 Open Meadows Rd., Ashville, NY, 14710


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