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Smith's Nursery, Inc.


About Smith's Nursery, Inc.

Smith's Nursery is a family owned and operated nursery and produce farm operating in Johnston County, North Carolina for over 20 years. We are committed to producing high quality fruit, vegetable and horticulture crops while maintaining the sustainability of farming in North Carolina. During the Spring and early Summer, we have an exciting U-Pick Strawberry, Blueberry and Blackberry season. In conjunction with the Strawberries, we operate a full garden center, complete with most all your landscape needs. In the fall we offer pumpkin picking, hayrides, millet maze, a goat walk, hiking trails and fishing. In conjunction with the pumpkins we operate a farm stand and garden center with all the essentials to create the perfect fall scene.
443 Sanders Rd., Benson, NC, 27504


Call or visit website for hours.

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