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Ecology Center

Healthy Food in Health Care Program


About Ecology Center

The Healthy Food in Health Care Program is part of a national campaign through Health Care Without Harm. It works to expand the network of hospitals purchasing more sustainably-produced food for their patients and staff. A primary goal is to make the critical link between how food is grown and distributed and public and environmental health. Specifically, the program offers introductory assistance to healthy, sustainable food systems for health care facilities, including setting up an internal team and connecting facilities to tools, resources and other successful models across the country. They also provide guidance on procuring local and sustainable foods, and educate and activate health professionals by connecting clinical and public health champions to scientific information and providing opportunities to engage in the public policy arena. The center constantly advances special projects and promising approaches by collaborating with strategic partners to share success stories, best practices and even promising approaches related to healthy, local and sustainable foods system initiatives.
339 E. Liberty St., Suite 300, Ann Arbor, MI, 48104


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