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GoldMar Enterprises


About GoldMar Enterprises

GoldMar Farm is committed to natural (green) practices in vegetable farming. We use no pesticides or herbicides and believe in recycling, reusing and renewing. In the not-too-distant future we hope to be able to add wind power to sustain the farm's need for power (lights in barn, pumps, etc.) Each week our members will receive, on average, 7-10 unique vegetable items in their share. Earlier and later in the season, it may be less and, at the height of the season, it may be more. Our farm will not only provide the community with the opportunity to share in the food growing process through a CSA, but will also provide the suburban community with plots of land with which they can plant their own vegetable gardens if they choose not to partite in CSA activities. Finally, GoldMar Farm will provide instruction to members and non-members on the proper handling, preparation and storage of their farm-grown produce.
3423 Plank Road, Livonia, NY, 14487


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