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Chef Stephanie


About Chef Stephanie

Respect for the earth and compassion for all living things shape my personal philosophy and inspire the cuisine I create. My culinary training is the sum total of direct experience in a variety of kitchens and restaurants over the last 24 years. I use only sustainable meats and fish available locally. I have extensive knowledge of vegan and vegetarian cuisine as well as a wide range of ethnic foods and fusions. I am also very adaptable to special needs and diets, including living foods, macrobiotic, etc. With organic, local and seasonal ingredients as the focus, I approach cooking with a balance of positive intention and playful ingenuity. I am able to practice my food activism every day, from visits to the farmers market to support local organic farms, to serving delicious healthful cuisine to clients who sincerely care about personal and global health; we are all part of the change that needs to happen in this world.
Catering Events, San Francisco, CA, 94110


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