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Grow & Behold


About Grow & Behold

Grow and Behold Foods delivers delicious OU Glatt Kosher pastured meats raised on small family farms to your door. Their meats include a variety of cuts and preparations of beef, chicken, lamb, and turkey. The animals are naturally raised, without hormones or non-therapeutic antibiotics, and the chickens are given a GMO-free feed suppliment. They adhere to the strictest standards of kashrut, animal welfare, worker treatment, and sustainable agriculture. Grow and Behold products are produced under the supervision of the Orthodox Union (OU). Their Shochtim (ritual slaughtermen) are experts in their field, and uphold the highest standards of kashrus. They never shackle and drag our beef. This cruel practice is the standard in South America where nearly all the grass-fed kosher meat is produced for the US market. They work in small, family-owned processing plants, where they can personally supervise every step of the process. Their Shochtim have plenty of time to check their knives and thoroughly inspect the lungs of each animal (for beef). They ensure that each animal is treated humanely, without electric prods or other painful techniques. You can order beef, lamb, turkey and chicken through their website for delivery nationwide. Please find out more on their website!
110 Beard St., Brooklyn, NY, 11231


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