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GroHaus Denver


About GroHaus Denver

Everyone deserves a healthy meal. But in some communities, healthy food simply isn't available. The GrowHaus is a non-profit urban farm and education center in one such community - northeast Denver’s Elyria-Swansea neighborhood. The GrowHaus is based in an historic 20,000 square-foot greenhouse. They're currently using the space to grow fresh healthy greens and teach about healthy living. They also continue to renovate more of our space to accommodate increased food production, educational facilities, and a local food distribution network. At The GrowHaus, they envision a world where all communities have the means to nourish themselves. Their mission is to create a community-driven, neighborhood-based food system by serving as a hub for food access, urban agriculture, education and job training.
4751 York St., Denver , CO, 80216


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