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Spice Acres

CSA pick-up location


About Spice Acres

Spice Acres is produces 9-acres of heirloom vegetables and flowers, and offers their bounty through a seasonal CSA, at their farm stand, at a local winter farmers' market, and at their restaurant, Spice Kitchen & Bar. Their CSA has pick-up locations on the farm and at their restaurant in Cleveland from May through October, and shares include up to eight items per week, recipes, three seasons of fresh lettuces and micro greens, kale, sweet melons and much more!

One of ten Countryside Initiative Farms responsible for conserving the Cuyahoga Valley National Park land through sustainable farming techniques, Spice Acres tends seasonal crops and heirloom pigs and hens that help to keep the soil healthy. The animals enjoy non-compostable scraps from the owners' home and restaurant, and are rotated around the property to enrich the soil. The public is welcome to visit and volunteer upon scheduling with our farm manager.

5800 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, OH, 44102


Call or visit website for hours.

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