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Flip 'n Patties


About Flip 'n Patties

**Visit their website for the food truck's location schedule**

Flip ‘n Patties is not just in the business of selling delicious, juicy, mouth watering burgers and Filipino street food out of their oooh-sooo awesome Flip-Mobile Food Truck while singing karaoke songs. Their mission is not only to serve good food to good people, but also to help end hunger. 10% of the Flip ‘n Patties profits go to various organizations that help end hunger in Houston and in the Philippines.

Flip ‘n Patties believe in good food; food without all the nasty stuff. The majority of their food and ingredients are bought locally, supporting local farmers and restaurants. They like their animals to play with their other animal colleagues, bathe in the sun of glory, frolic the grassy hills and not fed any antibiotics and hormones. Animal Dignity, that’s whats up. They fight for the “no more hormones” movement!

242 W. 19th St., Houston Heights, TX, 77008



Call or visit website for hours.

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